Neti Pots for Chronic Head Congestion? Neti pots and other techniques are effective

Posted by Play | Posted in , , , , , , , , | Posted on 23:18

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Neti Pots should be your first choice for the head of the chronic congestion. There are other techniques that can be a relief, as well, but the Neti pot is very effective.

First, it discusses the possible causes of head congestion and give some techniques that have proven to aide in the reduction.

Lack of sleep, lack of water for too long Sino lack of exercise, cold food allergies or the flu or other acute

There are a number of ways torelieve a congested head:

Buy a Neti Pot to help remove mucus.

Food: hot soups, spicy foods, hot soups
Fluid: hot tea and plenty of water
Hydrotherapy: how to move in cold water and blood.
Humidifier: salt and eucalyptus oil.
Latest essential oils: Vick's vapor rub your temples, sinuses and chest.
Avoid cold foods: limit dairy Thid-Eye Point: acupressure relief

Imagine a steaming bowl of spicyBroth. The fact that your body will have warmed the heart and cause the nose to run. A runny nose, sinuses allow to escape, which is to relieve pressure in his head.

Not drinking enough water will cause the mucous membranes is less watery and more sticky. This leads to security and backup causes pressure. The pressure is equal to the head of the congestion.
Drinking tons.

Nasal irrigation with a Neti pot
This is essential if you have chronic sinus infections - or even ablocked a sine-time, not the flow. Just last week I was jumping into bed with a headache, nausea, and not get up. I forced myself to do it. After 10 minutes, to vertical, I found that my right breast has been blocked. I have prepared a neti pot with salt and more my neti wash and rinse both sides of the nose for several minutes. My sinuses began to drain like crazy and the headache ... gone.

Hydrotherapy: Wet Sock Treatment
Sound Goofy? It canbut is especially effective for children with ear infections. Does the blood from head to foot. Blood is removed, as the temperature of the feet because of the cold, wet socks. The body wants to get heat to all tissues, and if an area is cold, your body will look too hot. The contrast between hot and cold is the desired effect, so that your feet warm, very well, before the issue of socks in cold blood. This will help ensure properResult.

Finding a pair of light cotton socks. Find a pair of heavy wool socks. Place the cotton socks in a bowl of ice water ... or place in freezer.
Heat the foot in a bucket with hot water or simply a hot bath.
Dry the feet cold ice crystals cotton socks.
Immediately, the cold set up socks and stockings. Down for the night and sleep - or keep them on the day, while around the house.
I suggested to my friendheadaches night. He did appear before the bed and not their headache.

Seems to be a shock to the system, but it is good, as are the feet warm. It feels really good.

Latest essential oils
These are wonderful yet it can be problematic if they are not careful. You should keep out of reach of children, as they kill. Yes, deadly. They are super concentrated oils and if ingested or touched directly on the skin a bit ', severe burns or other damagecan do. Keep in a locked cabinet or higher.

Visit your favorite store to find that health, like the best. I'm a fan of eucalyptus, rosemary and cedar wood. You have to dilute the essential oil in a base of olive oil before use.

Apply to the temples on sinsuses top and front and you might want to put a little 'between the upper lip and nose. Not placed directly in the nose, as it will burn your mucous membranes. Keep away from eyestoo.

Limit dairy
Dairy products and sugar are important mucous forming foods and will only increase, congestion head. Limiting the amount consumed during this time and you are probably going faster.

Third Eye Acupressure Point help after this point: "directly between the eyebrows in the cavity where the bridge of the nose meets the center of the forehead." Simply put pressure on this point with the method outlined inright.

In health,


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